Thursday, February 9, 2012

Independent Component 1

For my logged hours click here.

Here are some of the videos we have made so far.

I, Inez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 111 hours of work.
I have completed a full semester of ROP videography, where I have made several short films.

It isn't easy filming, it takes a lot of work, hours, and collaboration. At the beginning of the year my topic was filmmaking which is why I am in ROP. Now my topic is screenwriting but staying in ROP is still relevant - we do write scripts for our films.

How did it help you answer your EQ?
Writing a screenplay for no other reason than for the fun of it is much different than writing one that you are going to have to make! For my extra Independent Component I wrote about cartoon spiders... I would have never done that for ROP. Writing for ROP kept me practical. I think being practicality is an essential part to a script - especially when you don't have CGI or computer graphics to make up the thousands of extras you cannot cast. I think an economical screenplay has an advantage when producers are choosing which films they'd like to produce. After all, how seriously would you take a screenplay that asked for ridiculous things?

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