Monday, October 10, 2011

Defining the Essential Question

1. My Essential Question is "What is most important in a good film?"

2. 'Most Important' ; most significant factor/element
'Good Film'; not to be confused with "movie", films have substance. A film makes a visceral connection with the viewer while a good film is specific in its relevance and visceral connection to the viewer.

3. So far, i think some possible answers would be; the screenplay/script, the way in which the story is told (use of camera to tell the story), and choosing the right actors.

4. So far i haven't really been lucky with my sources. The information in them is interesting, but it feels more like fun facts than anything else. The information is hardly ever relevant to answering my question. For the answers that i do have so far though, i have been using prior knowledge from a research paper i did over the summer. All the information from that paper came from a book on Stanley Kubrick. I think I'm going to read it again as one of my sources, but haven't yet.

1 comment:

  1. Needs to change to: What is the best way to write a successful screenplay?
